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Valuable Digital Marketing Tips from this Week

Did you know that almost half of all Gen Z-ers use YouTube? That newsletters with ALL CAPS headlines get fewer reads than those without? That a jump from 100,000 to 1 million followers on Instagram will make 5.5 times more money for each sponsored post? These are just some of the fascinating digital marketing stats coming up this summer:


Like other recent weeks, the last several days have been chock-full with online branding numbers. Here are nine that we found particularly interesting.

1. AR booms Digi-Capital’s report said that the mobile augmented reality space will have more than 1 billion users and total $60 billion by 2021.

2. Fraud falls There’s actually good news on the digital crimes front. Fraud fighter White Ops and the Association of National Advertisers studied 49 ANA members and their digital advertising activity between October and January. From the research, they expect ad fraud to decline by about 10 percent globally from $7.2 billion last year to $6.5 billion in 2017.

3. Sonic YouthTube Adweek teamed with Defy Media to ask a group of nearly 1,500 people ages 13 to 20 what they think about everything from social media platforms to digital video to the new breed of online celebrity. Of all the data points from the survey, here’s the loudest—95 percent of the youngsters are on YouTube and half of them said they “couldn’t live without” the video platform.

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